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Writing Showcase

This page is about my writing process in this quarter, how I write the essay and what I learned from the writing processes. The assigned essay is about how Disney films influence people’s perspectives of social constructions like gender and beauty norms. I learned how to analysis a film from different angles, which let me have a deeper understanding of the meaning the film express. Besides, this course also improves my writing and reading skills through the several assignments, as well as communication skills by the podcast project. 

Planning and Exploratory Writing

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Annotation of Kilbourne's lecture

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Annotation of J Spot

The first picture is the annotation of Kilbourne’s lecture from the beginning of the quarter. This is the first annotation assignment in this quarter, and the lecture let me understand what social construction is and how it impacts our society. This is a kind of foundation of the final essay. The second picture is the annotation of a podcast, this helps me know what podcast is and what I need to do for the podcast project. The annotation is one of the secondary sources I used for my podcast project and final essay, which provides some opinions and examples. During these assignments, I develop a habit that is writing down some important ideas when listening. These processes improve my reading and listening skills, since these two assignments are video and podcast.

Peer review
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Comment I got from my peer

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Comment I gave to my peer

This really helps me to understand the importance of peer review, as well as the peer review skills. These two images are all from the discussion of body paragraphs, the first one is I got from others and the second one is my comment to others. I saw other people’s ideas and how they organize their paragraphs in discussion board, this actually an opportunity of learning since we can read other students’ writings. Furthermore, when we give comments to others, it is also a way to improve ourselves. It is like a revise process for my writing, and also ask myself if I have the same problem and what changes I can make. Therefore, peer review improves in the Habits and Mind. I will accept other people's advice, and also be responsible when I give advices to others.

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Annotation about my thesis

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Through the strategies provide on Connect, I know what I miss for my essay. For example, I will check if my topic sentences summarize the main idea of the paragraph when I highlight each topic sentences, and what I need to add if not. The first image is the annotation about my thesis, it is a good way to check if my thesis is same or relate to the course question by highlighting. And the second image is the annotation about the scene I described in my essay, I checked if each scene has an introduction and analysis. The self-review strategies are kinds of Dr. Hass’s simple requirements for the essay, and we check if all elements are included. As a result, it not only let me know the importance of self-review, but also develop an effective habit.

Annotation about the scene I described in my essay

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First draft of the introductory paragraphs

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Introductory paragraph after revision 

After peer-revie and self-review, I combined the suggestions from my peers and the annotation I made by myself to revise my essay. And Dr. Hass also left me a comment on Canvas that I have a lot of grammar and word choice problems. Thus, I did some changes on the structure and fixed some grammar errors. The left and right images are all about the changes I made based on the advice from my peer for the introductory and body paragraphs. I learned that it is essential to develop an effective reading and writing habit, such as self-review after first draft. Additionally, improving the ability of writing essays readable, focused, and full of details is also significant during writing, these are also the goal of revision.

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First draft of the body paragraphs

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Body paragraph after revision

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