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Habits of Mind


Being curious makes us want to know more. I was already a little curious when the first time I saw the topic of Disney and gender roles, since I watched many Disney films before and never related them to gender roles. I began to recall the Disney movies I have watched and ask myself which part shows gender roles. Besides, it makes me want to read further when I predict the content of the article from the title.


This is one of the most important things for this class. I do not think Disney fairy tales are just for kids anymore, they also try to express deeper meanings and values now.


Engagement is important almost for every class, since engagement helps us to understand a concept or idea in a deeper way. For this class, making connections between the article and our own lives will help us to understand the article better. In addition, it is essential to participate group works and communicate with peers. Peer review is helpful for me, we can not only know other our peers’ perspective, but also receive their comments for my writing.


This is my first time to write blogs to record my learning process and summarizes what I learned each week. This is useful for me, since we can not only practice writing skills every week, but also know how to create a website which can improve our creativity.


I always try my best to remain interested and attention to any short and long-term projects. Since this class’s topic is Disney and gender roles, I am trying to watch some Disney movies and see topics about Disney on social media in my free time in order to keep my interest.


Flexibility is a kind important to our life, not just for this class. Compared to English Academic Writing course, we need to spend much more time on Writing 39A since there’s more reading and writing assignments. I hope I can improve my time management skills like have a daily to do list, do not wait until two days before due date to start my homework.


Responsibility covers a wide range of areas, and it also plays a vital role in our life. We have responsibility to submit our assignments, attend zoom or group meetings on time, it is a kind of respect to Professor and our group mates. Furthermore, it is also our responsibility to write down citations when we are using someone else’s idea on our writing, otherwise it is plagiarism.


I rarely reflect my learning process before, but I realized the importance of reflecting now. Reflection helps us summarize what we learned and also point out the areas we need to be strengthened. Now I am trying to think about if I have a better way to analysis, and also review my writing to ask myself if my writing is logical and easy to understand.

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Peihao Hu
Peihao Hu
Jan 31, 2021

Hi, firstly I love your color match in this page which attracts me a lot. I have similar idea with what you say about flexibility. Not only the words we use to write, but also in our lives, there are many random things. Thus the ability of dealing with that is so essential. As for your persistence part, you really give me a hint and I hope I can have a good habit by using your way.


Jan 31, 2021

Hi Yuying! Same as you, I am trying to do some reflections about my learning progression through reading my post and replies from our fellow classmates again in order to see if there is any point or reasoning part that I could do to promote my writing. Referring to what you wrote about Metacognition, have you thought about letting our fellow classmates to comment some suggestions to our posts would also be very helpful toward reflections?


Jan 30, 2021

Hi Christy! I wrote something similar to you under creativity about how the websites really force us to explore our creative side. Although I am not a creative person, I have had a lot of fun making my website and it is teaching me a lot about aesthetics and being more creative in the images I pick to complement my writing.

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